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English at The Willows


Here at The Willows School Academy Trust we are committed to providing an exciting, engaging and progressive English curriculum for our children. We want our children to become enthusiastic, engaged readers and writers who develop a life-long love of books and a passion for writing.  

In addition to following the statutory requirements for the teaching and learning of English as set out in the National Curriculum English Document (2014), the School has fostered the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education’s (CLPE’s) Power of Reading approach to teach all areas of the English curriculum. Power of Reading introduces children to a range of high quality books through a curriculum which is creative and engaging. As a result, the programme develops a child's love of reading and writing.

At the Willows, we use a wide range of different teaching approaches to improve the teaching of writing and improve pupils' outcomes e.g. book talk, role play, writing in role and writing for real reasons. Using quality texts, provide our pupils with inspiring, engaging prompts for their writing activities. Teacher modelled/shared/guided writing engages our children and encourages learning.

For further information about our English Curriculum or if you would like to know how to better support your child at home, feel free to connect with Ms. Jones our English lead teacher.