Home School Agreement
To help my child do well at school, I will do my best to:
- see that my child goes to school regularly, on time, properly dressed and properly equipped.
- Ensure that all family holidays are taken during school holiday periods.
- Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child's behaviour.
- Support my child with his/her homework and home learning opportunities and ensure my child completed his/her homework on time.
- Attend interview day, annual reviews and any other special meetings that involve discussions about my child's progress.
- Support my child in responding positively to the general expectation and regulations of the school.
The school will:
- Care for your child's safety and well being.
- Promote high standards of work and behaviour, and provide clear guidelines for pupils and parents.
- Ensure your child is given every opportunity to achieve their full potential as a valued member of the school community.
- Provide a balanced curriculum to meet your child's individual needs.
- Contact you if we have any concerns, and keep you informed about your child's progress and how you can help them at home.
- Be open and welcoming at all times.
The pupil will:
- Attend school regularly and on time and with any necessary equipment.
- Be tidy in appearance.
- Do all class work and homework on time and do the best of their ability.
- Tell a member of staff if they have any worries or concerns.
- Be polite and helpful.
- Keep to the school rules and behave in a responsible way both in school and when travelling to and from school.
- Treat all members of the school community with tolerance, understanding and respect as they would expect to be treated.
- Understand that the school has a policy of total non violence towards staff & pupils.